Sauna culture in Finland

Tent Sauna in Lake Saimaa, Finland

Sauna culture is very unique and one of the most celebrated things in Finland. We agree and embrace it!

Our ship Polaris 1 has a woodburning sauna, and as a heater stove, it uses Harvia’s Green Flame. Harvia Green Flame has been developed in cooperation with the University of Eastern Finland to reduce small particles caused by burning wood by up to 20% compared to other same-size wood-burning stoves. The stove is also used to heat water as it heats the sauna.

We also have a special tent sauna we can set up in all kinds of remote places 😉 More info about our tours is here.

“Sauna culture in Finland is an integral part of the lives of the majority of the Finnish population. Sauna culture, which can take place in homes or public places, involves much more than simply washing oneself. In a sauna, people cleanse their bodies and minds and embrace a sense of inner peace.

Traditionally, the sauna has been considered a sacred space – a ‘church of nature’. At the heart of the experience lies löyly, the spirit or steam released by casting water onto a stack of heated stones. Saunas come in many forms – electric, wood-heated, smoke, and infrared. Approaches vary too, with no hierarchy among them.

Sauna traditions are commonly passed down in families and universities and sauna clubs also help share knowledge. With 3.3 million saunas in a country of 5.5 million inhabitants, the element is readily accessible to all. Traditional public saunas in the cities almost disappeared after the 1950s. In recent years, new public saunas have been constructed thanks to private initiatives.” -UNESCO

Good article to read for tourists. But the talking part is misguiding in the Lonely Planet article, it is absolutely fine to have a chat in Sauna even with strangers!

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Matti KEltanen

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